All I want for my birthday is …

All I want for my birthday is one of these:



Pierre Hermé: Tarte au café

and one of these:


Pierre Hermé: Ispahan

Actually, make it two of each. Burp.

Now, if any reader can point me in the direction of someone in Australia making pâtisserie of this quality, I’d be much obliged. I wonder if I’ll be deafened by silence. 🙁

15 thoughts on “All I want for my birthday is …”

  1. While I’m not about to claim that patisserie here in Manila is at the cutting edge or anything, I’m kind of surprised you haven’t found a suitable alternative to PH there. (Then again, I’ve never been to Australia…)

    Anyway, you are more than capable of conjuring up treats that equal PH’s!! 🙂

  2. Well I daresay you could try making some of your own… I tried those salted caramel macarons of yours at the blogger’s banquet – very yummy!

    xox Sarah

  3. Duncan,
    I found your site when I search for macaron recipe. Love the explaination and step by step technique. Yours is the most comprehensible. Now, I keep checking your website periodically.

    On your birthday wish, like Mangi, it is surprising that you couldn’t find at least almost similar quality patisserie in Australia.
    I have my birthday wish too…. and would love to have the macaron. Since I live in Northern CA, I suppose I can easily drive to Yountville (The French laundry) to (maybe) ask for special request to Claire Clark to make this macaron. I am skeptical wether she’ll respond to my request!!!!!!! I’ll try………

    By the way,when is your birthday?

  4. My ego appreciates the compliments guys, but really, I’m lightyears from producing PH-like stuff! So let’s focus on the real pastry chefs out there…

    I was disappointed to find that breakfast this morning was still rice puffs and oats. I’d hoped for a box of creaminesses on my doorstep. Hmph.

    @Y: I’d read mention of Zumbo and he’s number one on my list for any visit to Sydney (alongside meeting you, of course).

    @ Elra: Welcome!

    By the way, I’ve noticed that some recent photos are coming up too dark (I’ve been using a different computer for image processing), so I’ve tweaked them this morning. Hope they look more lifelike now! (You might need to press ctrl+F5 to see the improved images.)

  5. Duncan,
    I couldn’t figure out when is your birthday, but seems like everybody wishes you a happy birthday. I guess it was yesterday?

  6. You’re a naughty stirrer, Jen! I’ve known about that course for a while… and wondered why there’s little evidence in Melbourne that anyone has benefited from it!!

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