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syrupandtang had been in gestation for some time and came to fruition at the beginning of 2007. It is intended to feature writing by Duncan and, on occasion, contributions from others. New content will be published every few weeks (that’s right – not minutes or hours;). syrupandtang isn’t a diary. Links within articles are not as liberal as often found in online content. I want readers to read the piece, not click off on tangents before the story is over. Sometimes links are found at the bottom of an article, rather than as hyperlinked keywords in the text.
You can subscribe to the site via an “RSS-feed” (indicated by the icon at the top of the page or in the sidebar. An email version of the feed is available as a convenient alternative, shown by the
icon. In either case, the feed is a brief summary/introduction to each new article, which will hopefully tempt you to come back to the site to read the whole article.
Technical information about this site
The syrupandtang site has been designed to be accessible for users of many different browsers. It will be at its prettiest when viewed in Firefox 2+, Internet Explorer 7+ and any other browser which is compliant with HTML and CSS standards. Netscape and older versions of Internet Explorer, in particular, will not display the site as nicely as I would like because they never conformed to the agreed standards and it’s too difficult to adapt the design to the bad browsers. If you experience display problems when viewing this site, do tell me via the contact form.
If you are having trouble reading the text, your browser might be set to a smaller-than-normal text size. To fix this you need to go to the View menu of your browser and find Text Size.
The site uses WordPress as its content management system. The visual aesthetic of the site is my design. The site benefits from the work of programmers who have contributed plugins to WordPress. It also uses some small icons by Mark James at and Michael of